About Sparsity


Many tasks, especially in data analytics and machine learning domain, make use of sparse data structures to support the input of high dimensional data.

This project was started to build an efficient homogeneous sparse data processing pipeline. As of today Dask has no support for something as a sparse dataframe. We process big amounts of high-dimensional data on a daily basis at Datarevenue and our favourite language and ETL framework are Python and Dask. After chaining many function calls on scipy.sparse csr matrices that involved handling of indices and column names to produce a sparse data pipeline, we decided to start this project.

This package might be especially useful to you if you have very big amounts of sparse data such as clickstream data, categorical timeseries, log data or similarly sparse data.

Comparison to Pandas SparseDataFrame

Pandas has its own implementation of sparse data structures. Unfortunately this structures perform quite badly with a groupby-sum aggregation which we use frequently. Furthermore doing a groupby on a Pandas SparseDataFrame returns a dense DataFrame. This makes chaining many groupby operations over multiple files cumbersome and less efficient. Consider following example:

In [1]: import sparsity
   ...: import pandas as pd
   ...: import numpy as np

In [2]: data = np.random.random(size=(1000,10))
   ...: data[data < 0.95] = 0
   ...: uids = np.random.randint(0,100,1000)
   ...: combined_data = np.hstack([uids.reshape(-1,1),data])
   ...: columns = ['id'] + list(map(str, range(10)))
   ...: sdf = pd.SparseDataFrame(combined_data, columns = columns, default_fill_value=0)

In [3]: %%timeit
   ...: sdf.groupby('id').sum()
1 loop, best of 3: 462 ms per loop

In [4]: res = sdf.groupby('id').sum()
   ...: res.values.nbytes
Out[4]: 7920

In [5]: data = np.random.random(size=(1000,10))
   ...: data[data < 0.95] = 0
   ...: uids = np.random.randint(0,100,1000)
   ...: sdf = sparsity.SparseFrame(data, columns=np.asarray(list(map(str, range(10)))), index=uids)

In [6]: %%timeit
   ...: sdf.groupby_sum()
The slowest run took 4.20 times longer than the fastest.
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.25 ms per loop

In [7]: res = sdf.groupby_sum()
   ...: res.__sizeof__()
Out[7]: 6128